These images highlight how far we have come since 2018 and plans for the future. The hard work and dedication of our volunteers and growers has really shined!
“Friends are flowers in the garden of life. They are the seed of trust, nurtured with laughter and tears, grown by loyalty and openness which eventually blossomed into love!” — Anonymous
Fun fall activity books for kids via the SHIP initiative here.
For more information check out the WJCC SHIP program. Great job to all the Pumpkin Cook off chefs!
By Robert Burns
The Herbal Raised Beds Project located at the Williamsburg Community Growers (WCG) Teaching Farm is a joint effort with the Colonial Triangle of Virginia Unit (CTU), Herb Society of America.
In early 2021, discussions were held between WCG and CTU as to forming a cooperative affiliation with an herbal demonstration and education activity. In conjunction with an Eagle Scout project, Gracen Nelson and helpers designed, and constructed three raised beds in early 2022. The beds have built-in seating around the edges to provide access for those who are physically challenged and want to enjoy the beds.
In early 2022, a CTU Team was formed to design the planting for the beds. The team decided that each of the beds would be for a specific purpose and were designated as Salads and Teas, Culinary, and Drought Tolerant. Each would contain the appropriate types of herbs.
Initially, the beds contained the following:
● Salad and Teas - Basil mix, chamomile, chives, lavender, lemon grass, salad burnet and sorrel mix.
● Culinary - Cilantro, parsley, rosemary, thyme mix, sage mix and savory mix. ● Drought Tolerant – Lavender, verbena, lovage, rosemary, sage, and thyme.
Since the installation of plants in March, the majority of herbs have thrived. The flourishing and failing of newly installed herbs is all part of the experimental process to be improved upon in the following year.
To address the educational component of the project, an Herbal Raised Bed Guide has been developed. The Guide is a comprehensive informational document that provides details for the individual herbs, charts for planting and harvesting, and charts for food-herb pairings. The Guide is a ready reference for use by CTU members and WCG volunteers for public events. There are also informational signs identifying the herbs in each bed.
In addition to being used as an educational activity, some of the harvested herbs are donated to various community service organizations’ food banks. Other herbs are sold at the WCG Saturday morning Farm Stand as a means of raising funds to support the WCG.
Stay tuned for herb related workshops in 2023!
November Garden Notes:
REMINDER, PLEASE let Barbara know if you will not be returning to Garden with us next season.
Garden insects frequently overwinter in debris on the soil. To get a leg up on insect control for next season, clean up all your leftover plant materials before winter.
We are looking for someone to help with the tasks of the Community Garden Coordinator. It is especially busy in the spring when plots need to be staked and prepared for new gardeners. Other tasks might be to help with new gardener orientations and work parties, contribute articles to the newsletter, or add to our face time in the Garden. Let Barbara know if you might be interested.
New Contracts will be emailed in December. There will be an increase in dues next season to reflect ongoing expenses for materials for the garden, including compost, purchased water to fill the cisterns, hoses, fencing, etc. Still the best value in town!