Almost Fall in the Garden. The tomatoes are pretty much done, but still harvesting peppers and the broccoli is getting ready to head up. This is a great time to tidy-up your beds and get the soil protected with newspaper or cardboard and mulch for the winter months. This will keep weeds down and keep your soil from eroding.
Thanks so much to all of you who have been working hard to cut back the tall weeds to help with our rodent issues. Please read below for new developments on that front.
Above photos courtesy of Elvin and Kay Clapp
Thank you also to the volunteers who came out for the September Work Party: Melissa Shaffer, Todd Lee Goen, Kristin Froehlich, and Will McElfresh. Would love to get a few more volunteers out for the October Party on October 2. Hope to see you there.
Thanks to all of your contributions to the compost bin this summer, we were able to harvest a big pile of black gold! Our new farm manager, Mackenzie Perkins has no problem maneuvering the tractor to deposit the mulch in the Community Garden.
Hi-Tech Approach to Age-Old Problem
The WCG board has agreed to test out a new solution to an age-old problem. The locked grey boxes you will see in the garden are drinking stations for our garden rodent friends. Active chemicals in the drink will make them infertile-- unable to impregnate or bear young. We are hoping that these boxes, along with our attempts to secure fencing and clear overgrown plots and farm rows, will reduce the pest damage we have seen this year.
Garden Growers
People in the Garden
Meet the new Farm Manager, Mackenzie Perkins
New farm manager Mackenzie has been working in agriculture for 12 years on vegetable farms, cut flower farms, and retail and wholesale nurseries. A Louisiana native, she relocated to Richmond Virginia in 2014 and started her own small cut flower farm in 2017 called Boots and Shoots located in Chesterfield County. When she's not farming she enjoys spending time with her three dogs, kayaking and white water rafting on the James River, hiking and camping, and cooking. She's excited to be working with vegetables again and especially loves pickling all the veggies.